

As one of the most popular online games in the world, League of Legends is constantly evolving with new champions, items, and updates. One of the key components to success in League of Legends is understanding the strengths and weaknesses of different champions. In this blog post, we will be discussing the best ADC champions this season in League of Legends.

ADC, or Attack Damage Carry, is a role in League of Legends that focuses on dealing physical damage from a distance. The ADC champions are typically fragile but deal high amounts of damage and rely on their team to protect them. In order to be successful as an ADC, it is important to have good positioning, mechanics, and game knowledge.

  1. Jinx: Jinx is a hyper-carry ADC who has been dominating the meta for several seasons. She has high damage output and an extremely powerful ultimate that can deal massive amounts of damage to multiple enemies. Jinx is also able to switch between two different weapons, providing versatility in her gameplay.

  2. Vayne: Vayne is another hyper-carry ADC who has always been a popular pick among players. She has high mobility, thanks to her tumble ability, and can quickly reposition herself during team fights. Vayne's true damage also makes her a strong pick against tanky champions.

  3. Tristana: Tristana is a safe pick for those who are new to the ADC role. She has long-range abilities, which allows her to poke enemies from a distance. Tristana's ultimate also has the ability to knock back enemies, which can be used defensively or offensively.

  4. Caitlyn: Caitlyn is a marksman who excels at poking enemies from afar. Her long-range abilities allow her to deal damage safely from a distance. Caitlyn also has an ultimate that can target enemies from across the map, making her a great pick for securing kills.

  5. Ezreal: Ezreal is a unique ADC who relies heavily on his skill shots. He has high mobility, thanks to his blink ability, and can quickly reposition himself during team fights. Ezreal's ultimate also has the ability to deal massive amounts of damage to multiple enemies.

In conclusion, the ADC role in League of Legends is a challenging yet rewarding role to play. There are several strong champions to choose from, but the five mentioned above are the best ADC champions this season. It is important to experiment with different champions and find the one that suits your playstyle the best. Good luck on the Rift!
