Why is coaching helpful? Why should I get coaching?
LoL-Eloboosting.com provides a wide selection of coaches with immense knowledge and understanding of League. These coaches will help identifying your weaknesses and strengths, turning you into a better player. If you want your coaching to be centered around your main role, you can choose a coach who mains the role as well. We have coaches from all around the world to break the so-called “language barrier”, all this thought out for you to find a coach who speaks your language so you can start getting better. Once your coaching order comes in, you can talk to your coach and set up a schedule. We guarantee that you will learn and master what your coach knows, every skill and mechanic that he uses, you will too! You’ll notice your improvement right off the bat. With our coaching, you can go from any ELO up to diamond or beyond and that’s our ultimate goal, to make you the best player you can be.
Who are the coaches? What can they offer to me?
League of Legends is THE most popular game in the world and it’s growth won’t stop anytime soon. The meta game can switch from week to week due to constant changes made to the game, these changes may make you feel overwhelmed and fatigued from constantly having to learn the game again with every patch. This is the reason we’ve made our coaching available. Like any other sport, if you want to be the very best version of yourself, someone that can give you a different point of view is absolutely necessary, that is where our coaches come in. They can and will help you notice certain aspects of the game you weren’t aware existed, as well as giving you pointers on how to progress as a League player. By playing the game for over 5 years, our coaches know the game like the back of their hands, not only in solo queue experience but also in competitive play. They are masters at what they do and want to spread their knowledge of the game to all players who have a hard time trying to climb. Your ELO does not matter, our coaches will help you get better, even if you’re in low elo or diamond. To become better and dominate every game, you need to train with the best, so don’t struggle with another 40 minute match, get a coaching session and start your way to the top.