

1. Understand the Meta: Before you can start climbing the ranked ladder as a jungler, it is important to understand the current meta. Knowing which champions are strong and which ones are weak will help you make better decisions in-game.

2. Choose Your Champion Wisely: When selecting your champion, make sure you pick one that fits your playstyle and is strong in the current meta. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different champions to find one that works best for you.

3. Know Your Role: As a jungler, it is important to understand your role in the game and how it affects your team’s success. Knowing when to gank, when to farm, and when to help out your teammates will give you an edge over your opponents.

4. Map Awareness: Map awareness is key for any role in League of Legends, but especially for junglers who need to keep track of where their enemies are at all times. Pay attention to the minimap and use wards whenever possible so you can anticipate enemy movements and react accordingly.

5. Warding: Wards are essential for any successful jungler as they provide vision of enemy movements and objectives on the map. Make sure you place wards around key locations such as dragon or Baron Nashor so your team can take control of them without being ambushed by the enemy team.

6. Ganking: Ganking is an important part of playing a successful jungler as it allows you to surprise enemies with unexpected attacks from behind or from unexpected angles. Make sure you coordinate with your teammates before attempting a gank so they can set up a successful ambush for the enemy team.

7. Farming: Farming is an important part of playing any role in League of Legends, but especially for junglers who need gold quickly in order to purchase items that will help them become more powerful during team fights or sieges on objectives like towers or inhibitors. Make sure you take advantage of jungle camps whenever possible so you can get ahead of your opponents in terms of gold income and item purchases. 
8 .Team Fighting: As a jungler, it is important that you understand how team fights work and how each role contributes towards victory or defeat during these engagements . Make sure you position yourself correctly during team fights so that you can provide support for your teammates while also dealing damage to enemies from unexpected angles or with surprise attacks from behind . 
9 .Objective Control : Controlling objectives such as towers , inhibitors , dragons , Baron Nashor , etc . is essential for success in League of Legends . As a jungler , make sure you coordinate with your teammates before attempting an objective so that everyone knows what they need to do in order for it to be taken successfully . 

 10 .Know When To Back Off : It’s easy to get caught up in trying to win every fight or take every objective , but sometimes it’s better just back off if things aren’t going well . Knowing when it’s time retreat will save your team from unnecessary losses and give them time regroup before attempting another push towards victory .

League of Legends guide,
How to master League of Legends,
LoL tips and tricks,
Becoming a pro at League of Legends,
League of Legends strategy guide ,
league of legends jungle ,
league of legends climbing