

Tryndamere, Diana, and Riven

Lunar Goddess Diana

Prophecy tells of the lotus cycle, where the flower endures humble beginnings in mud and one day blooms in perfect beauty.

Facing fierce persecution at every turn, a woman toiled among the laborers, the weak and the broken. In the shell of an ancient lunar temple, she uncovered a crescent blade slung across golden armor inscribed with blown lotus petals. A soft voice sang when she grasped the hilt of the weapon, lilting with honest knowledge. She was struck by a vision of a warrior goddess wearing the gilded regalia. Stirred by the truth in the moon's hymn, she lifted the sword.

Dragonblade Riven

One tale tells of a woman, her sword forged in dragon's fire, descending into an enemy enclave in the aftermath of a bloody battle. She leaped and slashed through hordes of foes, slaying captors and freeing their captives. Refusing to bow to those who would enslave the innocent, she stormed across the countryside, giving hope to refugees and the unprotected.

Those who witnessed her crusade soon knew the truth behind the proverb, "There's no shield like a Dragonblade's sword."

Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere

Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere blazes the path of power, and the most haunting tales of the conflict are stained by the blood of his enemies. 

One story tells of his single-handed defense against an ambush on a narrow bridge. Green and gold armor aflame, rage fueled his rampage through the opposing ranks. Word spread from those lucky enough to survive, it's not the edge of his blade that kills you; it's the weight of the dragon riding it.

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